Yes, it a true that it takes time to heal but know that 'time is NOT the healer! "Healing" should not be a bandaid that we use to mask our wounds in the hopes that no one can see the imperfections. Having gone through both physical and emotional hurts, I believe that healing in any one area, promotes overall health.
For clarity, healing isn't achieved by the wave of a magic wand, and it's not some weekend retreat that requires you to sit around a bond fire and sing kumbaya. But it is messy, painful, and requires effort from the injured party. For instance, PT won't work if you don't participate. The Therapist can't do the exercises for you, and the process won't accomplish what it should if you don't follow the instructions. Know that when you don't engage, you run the risk of whatever was broken or damaged, mending with irregularities.
My initial thought was to discuss healing as it relates to a therapist or managing your triggers and trauma responses, but those seem to get thrown at you at the speed of a viral video. Then I thought to talk about healing from the perspective of heartbreak, abandonment and rejection issues or the power of forgiveness; you know, the regular mulberry bush. #blahblahblah But no, let's go in another direction.
As with most words in the English language, the word heal has multiple meanings. One is to restore (someone) to a physically sound or healthy condition; another is to become sound or healthy again or to alleviate (a person's distress or anguish). But my favourite is to correct or put right (an undesirable situation). Now stick a pin, 'cause I was ready to tabernacle right there until it struck me.
There is this part of speech in the English Language called homophones—which means two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins or spelling.
Instantly, I remembered the word h-e-e-l. No, not the back part of your foot that gets ashy. But 'heel,' which is often heard from owner to pet, namely a dog. In essence, it's the command given for a dog to assume its position at the owner's left side while walking parallel with no more than six inches between them. #distancematter #proximityiskey
Ahh, and there it was, my eureka moment, 'A time to heel!' Or in other words, time to align yourself with whom has rule and authority over you.
Now before you clock out because you think you ain't gat to answer to nobody but God, let me stop you there. In some way, shape or form, you're always accountable to someone other than yourself. I'll prove it. If you're a kid, you're subject to parental control. If you're a married woman (touchy subject, so let me thread lightly), you should be submitted to your husband—and your husband submitted to God. If you're employed, you're obligated to your boss. As a citizen, you must adhere to the laws set forth by your country's government. As a student, you are answerable to your teacher, and as a sheep in the flock (known as the church), you are accountable to your Shepard.
So, where does the 'heeling begin? I'm glad you asked. I'd say a great place to start is at home!
Let's start at the beginning: Paul says, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honour your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise—Ephesians 6:1-2
Ooh, chall, some kids out there think their parents should kick rocks, and they may be right. But what parents do is not the concern of a child. Unless it's a dire situation of abuse of any kind, I get how that situation could go south real quick. But for the sake of argument, let's say a parent is doing their best but falling short here and there; it's still the duty of the child to "obey and honour." As with a pet and its owner, when they hear heel, they fall in line.
I get it, it's hard to obey when you have your thoughts and ideas, and let's not talk about distraction. It's difficult to sit next to authority and not move until you're instructed. Not when something you like is being dangled in the opposite direction. My recollection as a child, though, and I'm sure most millennials my age would agree, is we wanted to do what we wanted to do, when and how we wanted to do it! But did that serve us, though? Yea, it was fun but at what cost? In the words of my dear mother, "When you don't listen (heel), you'll feel!"
Again, Paul states, "Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you." Hebrews 13:7
Now don't get your knickers in a bunch. People love to lament about how cantankerous and shady Pastors are. And how the church is trash and Christians are worse than sinners. Touché—BUT just as you have the freedom to choose your life partner, you picked the church you sitting up in, right? And if it was the one you grew up in, as an adult, it's incumbent upon you to vet who you allow to lead you. And if you, by some strange twist of faith, end up with a dodgy pastor, I have one question for ya, "Did you consult God about your church home decision?" 'Cause hey, we love to make decisions based on our feelings. Paul said it, not me—have confidence in your leader. In my observation, when dogs heel, they seem to demonstrate vast confidence in their instructor.
Teaching a dog to heel requires repetition. One does not heel after receiving a command once (i.e. after hearing one verse or sermon.) It requires consistency and dedication. What's the work on your part, you ask? Things like going home to study what was released in your hearing. Once you've heard, the next step requires you to do. When a dog hears 'heel,' there is an action that ensues. What action is expected? Your submission to the authority! Why? Because once you 'do' (meaning you listen), you reap the benefits! #bing
But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering, produce a crop. Luke 8:15 NIV
Teaching a dog to heel entails teaching it to walk close to its owner's side, and it is an excellent technique to establish self-control in a dog, whether on or off its leash. Don't confuse movement with progress cause you can run in place. In other words, walking with Jesus takes more than just showing up to the four walls every first day of the week for two hours.
When first training a dog to heel, it is the constant delivery of instruction followed by incentives. When you can walk your dog at a heel for several yards, it's time to start reducing the number of goodies you offer it. Here's where you have to question whether you are in pursuit of 'purpose,' or are you only in it for the prizes?
Keep in mind that when we heed this command, we are telling God that we have enough faith in Him to act when He says to, while also being close enough to hear and carry out His next instruction, whether it comes with rewards or not.
When professionals are training, they walk a dog in a heel position for several yards with only a few rewards. They offer the dog treats but gradually phase them out. In other words, your relationship with God has to become faith-based or faith-dependent. Where there is less of a desire for instant gratification but rather a knowing that you trust Him even when you cannot see His hand.
Finally, a trainer introduces some distractions once they can cover a reasonable amount of ground without as many goodies. This is what I refer to as "the test!" Will you leave your master's side if you notice another dog having more fun at the park? Or better yet, will you give in if someone else offers you treats? Do you recognize the tone of your owner's voice well enough to know which command to follow? The bottom line is you have to remain in the heel position long enough to heal.
I know, on some level, we all want to do whatever we want to do. But training is necessary for discipline and discipline for consistency, and consistency breeds success. Let's unstick my pin here, 'healing' means to correct or put right, it then boils down to us ridding ourselves of the inclination to do our own thing. But instead to follow the instructions that would achieve the things we desire most. #isthineheartright While healing does require time, know that even more than that, it calls for obedience. #takeallthepillsintheprescription #dontstopcauseyoufeelbetter